
Module math



  • A 3x3 matrix. Wrapper around C++ implementation maliput::math::Matrix3.
  • A quaternion. Wrapper around C++ implementation maliput::math::Quaternion.
  • This class represents the orientation between two arbitrary frames A and D associated with a Space-fixed (extrinsic) X-Y-Z rotation by “roll-pitch-yaw” angles [r, p, y], which is equivalent to a Body-fixed (intrinsic) Z-Y-X rotation by “yaw-pitch-roll” angles [y, p, r]. The rotation matrix R_AD associated with this roll-pitch-yaw [r, p, y] rotation sequence is equal to the matrix multiplication shown below.
  • A 3D vector. Wrapper around C++ implementation maliput::math::Vector3.
  • A 4D vector. Wrapper around C++ implementation maliput::math::Vector4.